Conseil Européen des Confréries Enogastronomiques
Consiglio Europeo di Confraternite Enogastronomiche
Consejo Europeo de Cofradías Enogastronómicas
Conselho Europeu de Confrarias Enogastronômicas
European Oenogastronomic Brotherhoods Council

Ευρωπαϊκό Συμβούλιο Αδελφοτήτων Γαστρονομίας & Οινολογίας

Európai Bor és Gasztronómiai Egyesületek Szövetsége

Europäischer Rat der Wein- und Gastronomie-Bruderschaften



AWARDS/PRIX/PREMIOS 2024 - Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic             

          Eighteenth Edition - Piraeus (Greece), 9/11/2024                    




European Sumiller 2024

Mr. Nikos Politis - Greece

European Restaurant 2024

Restaurante Gaspacho & Migas – Lagoa - Portugal

European Distillate Producers 2024

Protected Designation of Origin for Jenever – Belgium

European Baker 2024

Mr. Panagiotis Sachinidis - Greece

European Oenologist 2024

Mr. Diego Morcillo - Spain

European Artisan Producer 2024

Mr. Semke Dendas – Belgium

European Radio in Gastronomic News 2024

Radio Gastronomy Production - Greece

European Hotel-Restaurant 2024

Hôtel Restaurant du Lac - Boussens - France

European Cultural Institution 2024

Who is Who International Academy & Awards

European Winery 2024

Quinta da Murta - Portugal

European Anchovy Producer 2024

Conservas Catalina - Spain

European School of Gastronomy and Tourism 2024

The SAEK of Anabyssou - Greece

European Chef 2024

Ana Luisa Troncão Nunes - Portugal

European City of excellent wines

Cangas del Narcea - Spain

Aurum of Honour 2024

Major of Piraeus – Greece -  Mr. Yiannis Moralis

European Country in Excellence Touristic and Gastronomic 2024



For the defence and promotion of European oenogastronomy and culture

Ambassadors of CEUCO 2024

Mr. Daniel Graf - Belgium
Mr. Francisco Domene Corrales - Spain

Recognitions of CEUCO 2024

Greek National Tourism Organisation - Greece
Signature Travel - Greece

Mr. Konstantinos Mouzakis - President Organizing Committee

Mr. Carlos Martín Cosme - President of Congress



Program and Formular of the Congress 2024, Piraeus (Greece) - English

Program - Formular  

Program and Formular of the Congress 2024, Piraeus (Greece) - Spanish

Program - Formular 

Program and Formular of the Congress 2024, Piraeus (Greece) - Portuguese

Program - Formular 

Program and Formular of the Congress 2024, Piraeus (Greece) - French

Program - Formular 

Program and Formular of the Congress 2024, Piraeus (Greece) - Italian

Program - Formular

Program and Formular of the Congress 2024, Piraeus (Greece) - Greek

Program - Formular


ENG-ConvocationGeneralAssembly 2024
ESP-ConvocatoriaAsambleaGeneral 2024
FRA-ConvocationAssembléeGénérale 2024
ITA-Convocazioneall'AssembleaGenerale 2024
POR-ConvocatoriaAsambleaGeneral 2024


Other events

Country Date Activity
Spain 10.02.2024 XXXI Gran Capítulo del Círculo de Enófilos Utiel-Requena
France 16.03.2024 272-ème Chapitre de la Grande Confrérie du Cassoulet de Castelnaudary


Jubileum Confrérie van de Hasseltese Jenever


Chapitre de la Confrérîye dèl Târte au Crastofé - program - bullletin
Spain 6,7-04.2024 40 Gran Capítulo de la Cofradía del queso de Cantabria
France 7.04.2024 Confrérie Poêlée du Pêcheur - Gran marche du Terroir et des Confréries
Belgium 13.04.2024 Chapitre de la Delicieuse Oie
France 14.04.2024 Rencontre des confréries oeunogastronomiques de France
Spain 27.04.2024 XXVII Gran Cabildo de la Cofradía de la anchoa del Cantabria
Portugal 4.05.2024 Gran Capitulo de la Confraria gastronómica de Lamego
Spain 4.05.2024 Gran Capítulo de la Cofradía del olivo de Baena
France 24,25,26/05/2024 Symposium Commende Majeure de Roussillon - Programe - Inscription
Spain 31.05-1,2.06/2024 XIV Encuentro Nacional de Cofradías Enogastronómicas
Portugal 15.06.2024 Confraria Gastronómica do Concelho de Ovar
Spain 16,17,19/08/2024 XVIII Capítulo General Confraria dos viños de Rías Baixas
Spain 18/08/2024 XVII Capítulo de la Orden de la almeja de Carril
Spain 17,18/08.2024 25 Aniversario de la Cofradía del Hojaldre de Torrelavega
France 7.09.2024 3ème chapitre des Amis du Kig-ha-farz à Saint-Frégant dans le Finistère
Spain 14.09.2024 III Gran Capítulo de la Cofradía del tomate y pimiento de Ampuero
Spain 28.09.2024 X Gran Capítulo de la Cofradía del orujo y vinos de Liébana
France 28,29/09/2024 3ème Chapitre Confrérie de Bouillon d'Awara de Guyanne
Portugal 5/10/2024 XXVI Gran Capitulo Confraria Gastronomos Algarve
Spain 5/10/2024 V Gran Capítulo de la Cofradía del bonito del norte - inscripción
Spain 12.10.2024 XX Gran Capítulo de la Cofradía del vino de Cangas
Spain 12.10.2024 VI Gran Capítulo de la Cofradía de la nécora de Noja
France 19.10.2024 41ème Chapitre Confrérie Marron de Redon - Bretagne
Portugal 26.10.2024 IV Capitulo Confraria Frango da Guia
Spain 22,23,24-11/2024 Gran Capítulo de la Cofradía do Centolo Larpeiro de O Grove


CEUCO gave the prestigious Aurum Awards 2023 "Europa - Excellence - Enogastronomic" sixteenth edition, during the  XX European Congress in the city of Castellón
The next Congress will take part in:
Piraeus (Greece) - 8,9,10 november 2024

                      AWARDS/PRIX/PREMIOS - AURUM 2023   - Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic -             

          Seventeenth Edition - Castellón, 28/10/2023                    




 Best European Agri-food Producer 2023

·     La Abuela Carmen - Spain

Best European Folclore Writer and Traditional Cuisine 2023

·     Mrs. Efi Grigoriadou - Greece

Best European Winery 2023

·     Cave Coopérative Dom Brial de Baixas – France

·      Adega da Cartuxa - Portugal

Best European Oenologists Association 2023

·     Asociación de Enólogos de la Comunidad Valenciana  - Spain

Best European Bistro 2023

·     Vaj Bisztró & Vendégház - Hungary

Best European Newspaper - Gastronomy Section 2023

·     El Periódico Mediterráneo – Castellón - Spain

Best European Organic Olive Producer 2023

·     Sakellaropoulos Organic Farms - Greece

Best Cultural, Gastronomic and Tourism Initiative 2023

·     Camino Lebaniego - Spain

Best European Festival in Enogastronomy 2023

·     Festa Vitifrades – Vinho de Talha - Portugal

Best Initiative in Dairy Industry 2023

·     Central Lechera Asturiana - Spain

Best European Chef 2023

·     Jean PLOUZENNEC - Maître Restaurateur "Les Arbousiers" à Céret - France

Best European Traditional Pastry Master 2023

·     Miss Erika Vanvuchelen- Belgium

Best European Cook in Monastery Cuisine 2023

·     Mr. Gerontas Parthenios - Greece

Best European Cheesemaker 2023

·     Collados Quesería - Spain

Best European Artisan Producter 2023

·     Marmelada de Odivelas – Elsa da Silva - Tradições de Família – Portugal

European Gastronomic Association 2023

·     Confrérie Pacifique et Souveraine des Tasto Mounjetos du Comminges

- France

Aurum of Honour 2023

·     Ilustrísima Presidenta de la Diputación de Castellón - Spain –

Dª Marta Barrachina Mateu


Ambassadors of CEUCO 2023

For the defence and promotion of European oenogastronomy and culture


Mr. Marc Vienne - Belgium
Mr. Alfredo García Fernández - Spain
Restaurante Rei dos Leitões - Mealhada - Portugal


Program / Inscription of the CEUCO Congress - October 2023

  Program / Inscription    Program / Inscription   Program / Inscription

Program / Inscription   Program / Inscription





The next Congress will take part in:

Castellón (Spain) - 27, 28, 29 october 2023
Country Date Activity


30 Gran Capítulo del Círculo de Enófilos Utiel-Requena -Valencia - Spain


Primer Gran Capíttulo de la Cofradía del salmorejo cordobés - Córdoba - Spain
15-04-2023 Confrérie de la Délicieuse Oie du Gay Savoir en Bien Mangier de Visé - Inscription - Belgium


XXXIX Gran Capitulo de la Cofradía del queso de Cantabria - Santander - Spain
22-25/04/2023 XXV Cerimónia de Entronizaçao - Confraria do Queijo Sáo Jorge - Açores - Portugal


XXVI Gran Cabildo de la Cofradía de la anchoa de Cantabria - Santoña - Spain
6-7-8/05/2023 XVIIIe Festival des Confréries en Ardenne - Charlevillle-Mézières - France


XIX Gran Capitulo de la Cofradía del olivo de Baena - Córdoba - Spain
3/06/2023 15 Cerimónia de Entronizaçao - Confraria do Arinto de Bucelas - Portugal
5-6/08/2023 Capítulo del Serenísimo Albariño - Spain
19-20/08/2023 XVI Capítulo de la Cofradía de la almeja de Carril - Spain
19-20/08/2023 XXII Gran Capítulo del hojaldre de Torrelavega - Spain
18-19-21/08/2023 XVII Capítulo dos viños da Rias Baixas
7/10/2023 IV Capítulo de la Cofradía del bonito del Norte - Spain
7/10/2023 XXV Capítulo Confraria Gastronomos de Algarve - Portugal
7/10/2023 XVIIIe Chapitre Confrérie Marron de Redon - Bretagne - France
8/10/2023 36éme chapitre Jurade Princière de Chimay - inscription
14/10/2023 Gran Capítulo de la Cofradía del vino de Cangas - Spain
10-11-12/11/2023 31 Fiesta del orujo de Potes - Spain

Gran Capítulo de la Cofradía del centolo larpeiro - Spain

                         Programa  -  Inscripción


25-26/02/2023 - 30 Gran Capítulo del Círculo de Enófilos Utiel-Requena -Valencia - Spain

Salón Alfonso el Magnánimo

 Valencia (España)

Caballeros de honor

D. Vicente Gandía de Cecilio y D. Carlos García Bartual y

Reconocimiento a la DOP Utiel-Requena

Desfile por Valencia y parada en la portada del Tribunal de las Aguas (catedral)

Monsieur Serge Fulgence

Gran Maître de la Confrérie Guyanaise du Bouillon d'Awara

La Confrérie Guyanaise du bouillon d'Awara se da a conocer una vez más en el XXX aniversario del Círculo de Enófilos Utiel-Requena en Valencia (España) con e nombramiento de Chevarier d'honneur con las máximas distinciones al Gran Maître Serge Fulgence en cuyo discurso agradeció ostensiblemente este nombramiento y puso en valor la Guyane Francesa promocionando el turismo para esta región donde no faltarán los vinos de Utiel-Requena y además añadió que está preparando un Symposium cultural y gastronómico para dar a conocer las costumbres de esta tierra francesa cuyo proyecto presentará en breve para intentar que sea aceptado por las autoridades locales y ministeriales así como el apoyo de CEUCO considera una propuesta muy interesante.

La Confrérie Guyanaise du bouillon d'Awara se fait à nouveau connaître lors du 30ème anniversaire du Círculo de Enófilos Utiel-Requena à Valencia (Espagne) avec la nomination de Chevarier d'honneur avec les plus hautes distinctions au Grand Maître Serge Fulgence dans le discours duquel il a ostensiblement remercié cette nomination et mis en avant la Guyane française en promouvant le tourisme pour cette région où les vins d'Utiel-Requena ne manqueront pas et a également ajouté qu'il prépare un Symposium culturel et gastronomique pour présenter les coutumes de cette terre française dont le projet sera présenté prochainement pour essayer d'être accepté par les autorités locales et ministérielles ainsi que le soutien du CEUCO, qu'il considère comme une proposition très intéressante.


CEUCO gave the prestigious Aurum Awards 2021 "Europa - Excellence - Enogastronomic" sixteenth edition, during the  XIX European Congress in the city of Dijon.
The next Congress will take part in:

Castellón (Spain) - 27, 28, 29 october 2023

Congress 2022 - Dijon (France)


Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic

Sixteenth Edition



Restaurant Européen 2022

·         Restaurante Solar dos Nunes - Lisboa – Portugal

·         Restaurant "La Marinière" à Remire-Montjoly (GUYANE) – France

·         Restaurant “T’ Aloni” - Grèce

Domaine Viticole Européen 2022

·         Casa Santos Lima – Portugal

·         Belward Winery - Hongrie

·         Bodegas Vicente Gandía - Espagne

École Professionnelle Européenne de Boucherie 2022

·         MEAT PRO - Grèce

Producteurs de Vins Européen 2022

·         Confédération des Appellations et des Vignerons de Bourgogne - France

Chocolatier Artisanal Européen 2022

·         MONPER - Espagne

Producteur Européen Agro Alimentaire 2022

·         La Ferme des Ecureuils – Nivillac – Bretagne – France

Festival Gastronomique Européen 2022

·         Festival do Arinto & Sabores Saloios – Portugal

·         Fiesta de la alcachofa de Benicarló – Espagne

·         Festival de Loire d’Orleans - France

Magazine Européen du Tourisme et Gastronomie 2022

·         LO MEJOR DE LAS AUTONOMÍAS - Espagne

Chef Européen 2022

·         Monsieur Leonel Pereira – Portugal

·         Monsieur Vassilis Mpekas - Grèce

Association Gastronomique Européenne 2022

·         Círculo de Enófilos Utiel-Requena - Espagne

Aurum d’honneur 2022

·         Mr. François REBSAMEN – Maire de Dijon - France


Ambassadors of CEUCO 2022

Madame Annette Tournant - France
Madame Claudine Couderc - France
Monsieur Angel Rodríguez Bobada - Espagne
Monsieur Angel Martínez Pérez - Espagne
Monsieur Bernard Bienaimé - Belgique
Monsieur Leopoldo Ramponi - Italie


La Côte-d'Or           

La Côte-d'Or, première destination nature et patrimoine entre Paris et Lyon.
En Côte-d'Or, l'histoire de France s'écrit aux 4 coins du territoire: des Celtes à la Renaissance, toutes les époques sont traversées et représentées. Dans ce département, l'histoire est également dans la nature, à la fois foisonnante et maitrisée, les possibilités offertes sont multiples. Le long de la Route des grands crus, du canal de Bourgogne ou dans le Parc national de forêts, ces paysages divers sont tous à découvrir au gré des envies : à pied, à vélo, en bateau... tout est possible !  En Côte-d'Or, déguster, visiter, goûter : le plaisir et le partage, ces valeurs de convivialité qui ont inscrit le « repas gastronomique des français » au Patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO rayonnent sur le territoire. La marque départementale Savoir-faire 100% Côte-d'Or met en avant la diversité et la qualité des produits fabriqués en Côte-d'Or tels que la moutarde, les escargots, le vin... Un voyage inoubliable entre histoire et nature, gastronomie et œnologie.

Savoir-faire 100 % Côte-d'Or


Terre de passage, ouverte entre le Nord et le Sud, la région de Bourgogne et ses ressources naturelles ont très tôt favorisé la présence de l'homme. Depuis Homo erectus, la présence de l’homme a été continue en Bourgogne où il a laissé d'abondants vestiges. De Bibracte à Alésia, en passant par Autun, s'y relèvent les traces de la conquête de la Gaule par Jules César.

Program / Inscription:              


L'histoire de Dijon, située au début de la route des Grands Crus, est étroitement liée à celle des grands vins de Bourgogne.
Entre Dijon et Beaune, les vignobles de la Côte Viticole ne font pas plus de 40 kilomètres. Bien que le terroir soit étroit, c'est ici que sont produits les meilleurs vins du monde.


Convocation of the General Assembly of CEUCO
Convocatoria de Asamblea General de CEUCO
Convocation à l'Assemblée Générale du CEUCO
Convocazione della Assemblea Generale di CEUCO
Convocatoria de Assembleia Geral do CEUCO


La confrérie Guyanaise du Bouillon d'Awara entre dans CEUCO


CEUCO CONGRESS (Verona) Italy 23-24-25 july 2021

CEUCO gave the prestigious Aurum Awards 2021 "Europa - Excellence - Enogastronomic" fifteenth  edition, during the  XVIII European Congress in the city of Verona.

The next Congress will take part in:

Dijon (France), 14th-15th-16th october 2022 


General Assembly in Verona (Italy) on 23th july 2021

Board of Directors of CEUCO 2021 - 2024

1.      President: Carlos Martín Cosme

2.     Vicepresident CEUCO for France: Jean-Claude Estirach

3.      Vicepresident CEUCO for Italy: Alessandro Salarolo

4.      Vicepresident CEUCO for Portugal: Jose Manuel Alves

5.      Vicepresident CEUCO for Hungary: Ibolya Haberne Fakete

6.      Vicepresident CEUCO for Greece: Konstantinos Mouzakis

7.    Vicepresident CEUCO for Spain: Sabino González Fernández

8.      Vicepresident CEUCO for Belgium: Daniel Haulotte

9.     Vicepresident CEUCO for Macao: Carlos Alberto Anok Cabral

10.    General Secretary: Jean-Paul Metois

11.    Treasurer: Fernando Viana Garrido


Congress 2021 - Verona (Italy)


Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic

Fifteenth edition



European Restaurant 2021

·         Restaurant Mantri – Greece

·         Restaurante F – Praia da Rocha - Portugal

European Delicatessen Shop 2021

·         Maison Escourrou – France

European Work 2021 in History and Gastronomy

·         Mr. Román Antonio Alvárez González - Spain

·        Dr. Tibor Gonda - Hungary

European Winery 2021

·         Artemis Karamolegos Winery - Greece

European Baker & Pastry 2021

·         Panadería Repostería “Obrador La Asunción” – Spain

European Master Baker 2021

·         Mr. Panagiotis Tzimas - Greece

European Distillery 2021

·         Maison Edmond Briottet - France

European Gastronomic Route 2021

·         Castelló Ruta del Sabor - Spain

European Hostelry 2021

·         Ristorante tipico di Verona - Italy

European Festival in Gastronomy 2021

·         Festival da Sardinha de Portimão - Portugal

European Artisan Producter 2021

·         Mr. Patrick Krauss - France

European Chef 2021

·         Sergio Dussin – Italia

·         Gil Fernandes – Portugal

·         Jean Castadot - Belgium

European Artisanal Cultivators 2021 of sea products

·         Parquistas de Carril – Galicia - Spain

European Gastronomic Association 2021

·         Commende Majeure de Roussillon - France

Aurum of Honor 2021

·         Mr. Federico Sboarina – Major of Verona - Italy


Ambassadors of CEUCO 2021

Mr. Íñigo Fernández García - Spain
Mr. Pierantonio Braggio - Italy
Mr. Salvador Armando Gregori Fuster - Spain
Mrs. Simonetta Chesini - Italy



XVIII European Congress of Enogastronomics Brotherhoods

Verona (Italy), 23-24-25 july 2021









Convocation of the General Assembly of CEUCO
Convocatoria de Asamblea General de CEUCO
Convocation à l'Assemblée Générale du CEUCO
Convocazione della Assemblea Generale di CEUCO
Convocatoria de Assembleia Geral do CEUCO


News of Greece


NEWS of Greece

INVITATION for the members of CEUCO

The 1st Digital "Taste of Attica" Forum invite us to this important event, that will take place in the 25th of February 2021 and Greece time 17:00 and Spain, Italy, Belgium, Portugal, France, Hungary Time 16:00, with the sole objective of developing the sector of 'gastronomic tourism'. Link:

The Forum is under the auspices of the Ministry of Tourism, GNTO, CEUCO, the gastronomy guide Gault et Millau and the Attica Region. Major sponsor of the event is the 1st butcher training school in Greece MEAT PRO.

Our sincerelly thanks to the Vicepresident of CEUCO for Greece Konstantinos Mouzakis and President of the Acropolis Chef´s Club of Attica for his very good work in this beautiful country.


       Next European Congress - CEUCO - Change of dates

We have received a communication from the Verona Authorities indicating that the Congress could not be held definitively in March 2021 as it is a month in which there will not be enough security to carry out this great event.
Therefore, the new dates for holding the Congress will be July 23-24 and 25, 2021, when the health authorities think that they will be the most appropriate dates to carry it out with more guarantees. However, we will keep you informed about any variation that may arise.


CEUCO gave the prestigious Aurum Awards 2019 "Europa - Excellence - Enogastronomic" fourteenth  edition, during the  XVII European Congress in the city of Albufeira. The next Congress will take part in:


Verona (Italy), 5-6-7 march 




Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic

Fourteenth Edition



Best European Restaurant 2019

· Restaurante nacional – MATA À VISTA - Albufeira – Portugal

· Restaurante REI DOS LEITÕES – Mealhada - Portugal

Best European Hotel-Restaurant 2019

· Hotel Restaurant El Principe - Italy

Best European Winery 2019

· Bodega Cooperativa Vinícola Requenense – Spain

· KOCH Winery - Hungary

· CAVIT Winery - Italy

Best European Winery and Distillery 2019

· Spyropoulos Family - Greece

Best European Pastry 2019

· Pastelería Juanfran Asencio – Aspe - Spain

Best European Gastronomy Journalist 2019

· Mr. Paulo Salvador - Portugal

Best European Festival in Oenology and Gastronomy 2019

· CIVR - Perpignan European Wine City - France

Best European Tourism Enterprise 2019

· ZOO MARINE – Algarve - Portugal

Best European Traditional Products Enterprise 2019

· Productos EL GUISO – Córdoba - Spain

Best European Chef 2019

· Miss Rita Cabral – Macao – China

· Mr. Domenico Longo - Italy

Best Teacher in European Gastronomy 2019

·  Mr. Ilias Iosifelis - Greece

Best European Artisan Product 2019

· Terrine de Volailles aux Marrons de Redon - France

· Morcela de Arroz de Leiria – Portugal

· Tarte au Crastofé - Belgium

Best European Beer 2019

· Beer Chimay - Belgium

Best European Gastronomic Association 2019

· Acropolis – Chef´s Club of Attica - Greece

Aurum of Honor 2019

· Mr. José Carlos Martins Rolo – Major of Albufeira - Portugal



A Festival to enjoy!!

A gastronomy and wine party is organized within the framework of the 1st Gastronomy & Wine Festival in Salamina, Attica.
On 5-6 October 2019, it will introduce visitors to the island's tastes in an interactive and authentic way, that of hospitality and kissing.
Producers, restaurants, gastronomy contributors of the island and guests participate in a two-day action plan to show you the culinary wealth of Salamis !!!
The Municipality of Salamis, in collaboration with the Acropolis Chefs Club and with the special support of CEUCO, are organizing an interactive culinary and wine festival this weekend that will highlight its culture, culture and culture, historyHeritage of Salamis.the inauguration will take place on Saturday at 18.00 with many surprises such as Mr. Mavrofridis' speech followed by a competition from DIEK, and the presentation of traditional - homemade Salamina cuisine, of course a special event with live show cooking on octopus and donuts. at the end of the first day we will dance to traditional musicthe next day will be a different but very important event at the festivals, with chefs from salamina restaurants cooking, the traditional salamina groom bun competition, the presentation of the Koulurgian pancake, and live show cooking on the subjectsardine. sprat finally there will be prizes of very traditional dances.




XVII European Congress of Oenogastronomiques Brotherhoods

Albufeira (Portugal)

8th, 9th, 10st  november 2019


Flavours of the portuguese sea

The importance of the european traditional gastronomy

Wines of Europe





Convocation à l'Assemblée Générale du CEUCO 2019
Convocation of the General Assembly of the CEUCO 2019
Convocatoria de Asamblea General de CEUCO 2019
Convocatoria da Assembléia Geral de CEUCO 2019
Convocazione della Assemblea Generale dei Soci di CEUCO 2019


Download Hymn of CEUCO and liryc


XVI European Congress of Oenogastronomiques Brotherhoods

Athens (Greece), 20th  october 2018


Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic
Thirteenth Edition



Aurum of Honor 2018

·       Mrs. Elena Kountoura - Minister of Tourism – Greece

Best European Restaurant 2018

·       Restaurante Panorama Infante - Praia Verde - Castro Marim – Portugal

·       Trattoria Al Bersagliere - Verona - Italy

Best European Hotel-Restaurant 2018

·       Castelli Hotel Restaurant - Greece

Best European Festival of Gastronomy 2018

·      Fête de la coquille Saint Jacques des côtes d’Armour - France

Best European Winery 2018

·       Vinho Arinto de Bucelas - Quinta do Boição – Portugal

·       Triantafyllopoulous Winery - Greece

·       Azienda Agricola Le Carline - Italy

·       Nikolou Winery – Greece

·       Bodegas Vicente Gandía – Spain

Best european Agro-food Establishment 2018

·       Magda Kontogianni Agricultural Association of Attica - Agios Georgios - Greece

Best European Region in Tourism and Gastronomy 2018

·       Região do Turismo do Algarve - Portugal

Best European Traditional Producer 2018

·       Edmond Fallot  "La Moutarderie" - France

Best European Gastronomic Research Project 2018

·       GASTERRA – Universidad de Alicante - Spain

Best European Chef 2018

·       Miss Florita de Jesus Morais Alves – Macao – China

Best European Artisan Beer Producer 2018

·       Brasserie de l'Abbaye de Villers en Brabant - Belgium

Best European agri-food Initiative 2018


European gastronomic Brotherhood 2018

·       Cofradía del vino de Cangas - Spain

Best European Institution in Tourism and Gastronomy 2018

·       Ministry of Tourism - Greece


Ambassadors of CEUCO 2018

Mr. Bernard GIRAUD - France

Mr. Leandro Costa - Italy


October 2018



XVI European Congress of Oenogastronomiques Brotherhoods


Athens (Greece)

19th, 20th, 21st  october 2018






Registration Forms




Convocation à l'Assemblée Générale du CEUCO 2018
Convocation of the General Assembly of the CEUCO 2018
Convocatoria de Asamblea General de CEUCO 2018
Convocatoria da Assembléia Geral de CEUCO 2018
Convocazione della Assemblea Generale dei Soci di CEUCO 2018



XV European Congress of Oenogastronomiques Brotherhoods

Córdoba (Spain)

24th, 25th, 26th november 2017



Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic
Twelveth Edition



European Restaurant 2017

·       Ristorante da Beppino - Italy

European Apellation of Origin 2017

·       Montilla-Moriles Consejo Regulador - Spain

European Winery 2017

·       Château Montana – France

·       Vinhos João Clara – Portugal

·       Bodegas Bocopa – Spain

·       Csányi Pincészet (Villány) – Hungary

European Agro-food Institution 2017

·       Asociación Nacional de criadores del Ovino Segureño – Spain

·       Société Haliotis - France

European Trattoria 2017

·       Trattoria Al Fondaco - Italy

European Traditional Industry 2017

·       Cooperativa Olivarera Germán Baena - Spain

·       Paragaea Old Olive Oil Factory – Greece

·       Pastificio Felicetti – Italy

European Chef 2017

·       Miss Antonieta Manhão – Macau

·       Mr. Chef Henrique Leandro – Portugal

·       Mrs. Celia Jiménez Caballero – Spain

European Artisan Producer 2017

·       Sal Marim – Castro Marim - Portugal

·       Quesería Casa Campo – Spain

European gastronomic Brotherhood 2017

·       Confrérie de l’escargot du Roussillon - France

Aurum of Honor 2017

·       Junta de Andalucía - Spain

Aurum of Honor 2017

·       Diputación de Córdoba – Spain

Aurum of Honor 2017

·       Ayuntamiento de Córdoba - Spain


Ambassador of CEUCO 2017

Mr. Theodoros Markis - Greece

In Memoriam 2017

Mr. Renato Zuin - Italy


November 2017


XV Congreso europeo de Cofradías enogastronómicas


XV European Congress of Oenogastronomiques Brotherhoods


Córdoba (Spain)

24th, 25th, 26th november 2017










XIV European Congress of Oenogastronomiques Brotherhoods

4th 5th 6th -  november 2016

Oeiras - Cascais (Portugal)


The next Congress will take part in:

Córdoba (Spain) november 2017


Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic
Eleventh Edition




European Restaurant 2016

·  Restaurante Hotel Fortaleza do Guincho – Cascais – Portugal

European Gastronomic Initiative 2016

·  Festival des Confréries en Ardenne - France

European Winery 2016

·  Bodegas Paco & Lola – Spain

·    Vinhos Cabrita - Quinta da Vinha - Portugal

European Gastronomic Festival 2016

·    Festival of traditional cycladic cooking Nikolaos Tselementes – Sifnos island - Greece

European Agro-food Institution 2016

·  Appellation d'origine protegé (AOP) - L'oignon de Roscoff – France

·   Consorzio per la tutela e valorizzazione del radicchio di Verona I.G.P. - Italia

European Gourmet 2016

·    Restaurante B’Entrevinhos – Oeiras - Portugal

European Traditional Industry 2016

·    Associação dos Produtores de Pão-de-Ló de Ovar – Portugal

·    Quesos La Peral, S.L. - Spain

European Chef 2016

·    Mr. Konstantinos Kiriakis – Greece

·    Mr. Carlos Alberto Anok Cabral - Macau

·    Mr. Sergio Fernández Luque – Spain

European Artisan Producer 2016

·    Ameixa d'Elvas - (Mário da Conceição, Frutas Doces – Elvas) - Portugal

European gastronomic Brotherhood 2016

·    Confraria de l’arròs i la taronja de Castellón - Spain

Aurum of Honor 2016

·    Mr. Paulo César Sanches Casinhas da Silva Vistas

Aurum of Honor 2016

·    Mr. Carlos Manuel Lavrador de Jesus Carreiras


Ambassadors of CEUCO 2016

Mr. Ángelo Cipriano da Cunha Fialho e Pereira - Portugal

Mr. Miguel Martínez de Castro Pinto Luz - Portugal

Mr. Miguel Ángel Fuente Calleja - Spain
Mr. Paul Delepine - Belgium

Mr. Adriano Bislenghi - Italy
Mr. Spyros Papadimitriou - Greece




XIV European Congress of Oenogastronomiques Brotherhoods

Oeiras, Cascais, Lisboa (Portugal)

4th, 5th, 6th november 2016





  * The Congress is full - There is no more places.
  * Le Congrès est complet - il n'y a pas plus de places.

* El Congreso está completo - No hay más plazas.
* Il Congresso è pieno - Non ci sono più posti.
* El Congreso está completo - Não há mais lugares.
* A kongresszus. Nincs több hely.
* Το Κογκρέσο έχει ολοκληρωθεί. Δεν υπάρχει τις περισσότερες έδρες.





XIII European Congress of Oenogastronomiques Brotherhoods

20th 21th 22th -  november 2015

Perpignan (France)




Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic

Dixième édition



Restaurant Européen 2015

·     Restaurant Fülemüle Csárda - Hongrie

·     Restaurante Casa da Dízima - Portugal

Institution Européenne Agroalimentaire 2015

·     Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Protegida Utiel-Requena - Espagne

Domaine Viticole Européen 2015

·     Domaine Paradis AOC Chinon – France

·     Cantine Lunae – Italie

·     CARMIM – Portugal

·     Günzer Zoltán Pincészet – Hongrie

·     Domaine Glinavos - Grèce

Champagne Européen 2015

·     ESTERLIN - France

Salon Viticole Européen 2015

·     Reguengos de Monsaraz "Cidade Europeia do Vinhos 2015" - Portugal

·     GASTROVIN – Murcia - Espagne

Industrie Traditionnelle Européenne 2015

·     Huîtres de Leucate du Domaine Alary – France

·     Les moules de Bouchot - Bretagne - France

Colloque Européen de la Gastronomie Traditionnelle 2015

·     Mrs. Annabel Jackson – Macau - China

Chef Européen 2015

·     Mr. Konstantinos Mouzakis - Grèce

Artisan Producteur Européen 2015

·     Confiterías Vega – Cantabria - Espagne

Confrérie Oenogastronomique Européenne 2015

·     Confrérie de la Délicieuse Oie du Gay Savoir en Bien Mangier de Visé - Belgique

Aurum d'honneur 2015

·     Monsieur Jean Marc PUJOL, Maire de Perpignan - France


Ambassadors of CEUCO 2015

Mr. Michel Aroulanda - France
Mr. Georges Gouttes - France
Mr. Ilario Febo - Italy
Mr. José María Rivera Manteca - Spain


XIII European Congress of Oenogastronomiques Brotherhoods

20th 21th 22th -  november 2015

Perpignan (France)



The taste of Europe


Le goût de l'Europe






XII European Congress of Oenogastronomiques Brotherhoods

7th 8th 9th -  november 2014 - Liège (Belgium)



Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic



European Restaurant 2014

·       Kistücsök étterem – Hungary

·       Restaurante Noélia - Cabanas (Tavira) – Portugal

·       Restaurante Fuentebro – Fontibre - Spain

·       La Ferme des Beaux-Monts – Belgium

·       Restaurant La Dinée - France

European Hotel Restaurant 2014

·       Hotel Orizontes Tzoumerkon - Greece

European Artisan Brewery 2014

·       Brasserie Artisanala du Flo – Blehen - Belgium

European Agro-food Institution 2014

·       Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Baena - Spain

European Winery 2014

·       Cantina Valpantena - Italy

·       Winery Konyári – Hungary

·       Cantina Beato Bartolomeo da Breganze - Italy

European Artisan Industry 2014

·       Charlemagne Chocolatiers - Belgium

European work in Traditional Gastronomy 2014

·       Confraria da Gastronomia Macaense – Macau - China

European Initiative in Gastronomic Tourism 2014

·       Mr. Efstratios Ch. Ioannou – Greece

·       Ayuntamiento de Cangas de Narcea – Asturias - Spain

European Traditional Artisan Producer 2014

·       Siroperie Artisanale d’Aubel - Belgium

European Brotherhood 2014

·       Confraria dos Gastrónomos do Algarve - Portugal

Aurum of Honor 2014

·       Mr. André Gilles, Député-Président de la Province de Liège - Belgium



XII European Congress of Oenogastronomiques Brotherhoods

7th 8th 9th -  november 2014

Liège (Belgium)

The city is well known for its very crowded folk festivals. Although settlements already existed in Roman times, the first references to Liège are from 558, when it was known as Vicus Leudicus. Around 705, Saint Lambert of Maastricht is credited with completing the Christianization of the region, indicating that up to the early 8th-century the religious practices of antiquity had survived in some form. After the creation of the Belgian state Liège (with its metallurgic industry and coal-mines) became all through the 19th century the economic backbone of Belgium. At the moment, the economic situation of Liège has suffered from the closing of the coal-mines and the international economic competition. However, it is still now the third largest city in Belgium (400.000 inhabitants) and an economic attraction pole in the area of Maastricht - Aachen - Liège.


XI European Congress of Oenogastronomiques Brotherhoods

28th 29th 30th -  june 2013 - Pécs (Hungary)



Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic



European Restaurant 2013

·       Restaurant Mandula – Hungary

·       Restaurante A Lagosteira - Portugal

European Winery 2013

·       Gruppo Mezzacorona - Italy

·       Bodega Liberalia Enológica S.L.- Spain

·       Ede Tiffán - Hungary

European Traditional Ouzeri 2013

·       Coffe Ouzeri Texas – Preveza - Greece

European Traditional Industry 2013

·       Almendra y Miel, S.A. - Spain

European work in traditional culture and gastronomy 2013

·       Monsieur Jean Bogaert - Belgium

European Initiative in Gastronomic Tourism 2013

·       Turismo de Almeirim – Portugal

·       Ville de Leucate - France

European Traditional Artisan Producer 2013

·       Conservas CODESA – Spain

·       Vaggelis Geitonas - Greece

European Brotherhood 2013

·       Circolo della Rovere - Italy

Aurum of Honor 2013

·       Dr. Páva Zsolt – Major of the city of Pécs - Hungary



XI European Congress of Oenogastronomiques Brotherhoods


28th 29th 30th -  june 2013

Pécs (Hungary)




CEUCO announced the next Congress on 2013 that will take part in:  Pécs (Hungary)


AWARDS/PRIX/PREMIOS AURUM 2012 - Seventh Edition

Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic




European Restaurant 2012

·  Põhjaka Mõis Restaurant – Estonia

·  Restaurante Garrafeira Veneza - Paderne – Albufeira – Portugal

·  Hotel Restaurant Gottwald – Hungary

·  Ristoratore Antonio Chemello - Italy


European Winery 2012

·  Cavas Freixenet - Spain

·  Vignerons de la Grand'Maison – France

·  Günzer Tamás Pincészete – Hungary

·  Azienda Agricola Conte Collalto di Isabella Collalto – Italy

Traditional European Artisan Producer 2012

·  Vinegar Vaimaki Family – (Zitsa, Ioannina) – Greece

·  Simón Martín Guijuelo, S.L. - Spain

·  Sal de Tavira de Rui Semião – (Tavira) – Portugal

Traditional European Industry 2012

·  Embutidos Vallina, S.A. (Asturias) – Spain

·  Pastificio Avesani, s.r.l. - Italy

European Media 2012

·  Estonian Public Broadcasting, Estonian Television, Factual programme „Sõida Maale!“ – Estonia

European Brotherhood 2012

·  Cofradía de la anchoa de Cantabria - (Santoña) - Spain

Aurum of Honor 2012

·   Mr. Jüri Mölder – Tartu City Government, City Secretary - Estonia


X European Congress of CEUCO

6th - 8th july 2012, Tartu (Estonia)




X CEUCO European Congress in the city of Albufeira (Portugal)


IX European Congress of CEUCO - 4th - 6th november 2011 Algarve (Portugal)


More than 500 participants inscribed representing to eleven countries will assist to the greater Congress of Enogastronomics Confréries of the respectives Regions of Europe and one representation of Macau (China) that celebrates in Algarve (Portugal), the days 4th to 6th November 2011. The winners of the prizes Aurum 2011 devoted to the European Excellence Enogastronomic this edition are:



Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic




European Restaurant 2011

  • Restaurante O Fernando (Altura) – Portugal

  • Tammuri Farm Restaurant – Estonia

  • Bock Bisztró - Hungary

European Winery 2011

·         Vini Ghio Wines – Vigneti Piemontemare – Italy

·         Bodegas Montebaco - Spain

·         Bock Winery – Hungary

·         Cantine Ferrari Spumante (Trento) - Italy

Traditional European Artisan Producer 2011

  • Ovos Moles de Aveiro – Portugal
  • L’Art de Praslin - Belgium

Traditional European Industry 2011

  • Presunto de Barrancos DOP – Portugal
  • Dairy Industry Karalis S.A. (Epirus) – Greece
  • IGOR S.r.l. - Italy

European Media 2011

  • Mr. Manuel Giménez Cuevas - Spain

European Wine Festival 2011

  • Fiesta de la Vendimia de Requena - Spain

European Brotherhood 2011

  • Confraternita della Vite e del Vino (Trento) - Italy

Aurum of Honor 2011

  • Excmo. Sr. Desidério Silva - Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Albufeira - Portugal


Ambassadors of CEUCO 2011

Mrs. Maria Madalena da Silva Castro – Portugal
Mrs. Maria Antonietta Vendramini Favero - Italy
Mr. Jean-François Ponin – France
Mr. Raúl Teimil Rodríguez - Spain
Mr. Jean-Claude.Estirach – France
Mr. Fernando Andonegui Menezo – Spain
Mrs. Mireille Wauthy - Belgium

European Ditinctions 2011
Mr. António Pina - Presidente do Turismo do Algarve – Portugal
Mr. Jose Manuel Alves - Vicepresidente CEUCO for Portugal


Hotel Santa Eulalia (Place of the congress)

IX European Congress of CEUCO

4th - 6th november 2011 Algarve (Portugal)


  On 19th february 2011 was presented officially in Valencia (Spain) by the President of CEUCO D. Carlos Martín Cosme and the President of the Committee Organizer and Vicepresident of CEUCO for Portugal D. Jose Manuel Alves, the next Congress of Enogastronomics Brotherhoods and Associations of the Regions of Europe, that will take place in Algarve (Portugal) the days 4,5 and 6 November 2011. It expects to receive more than 600 expert people of the european enogastronomy and another invited people of the rest of the world.

   El 19 de febrero de 2011 se presentó oficialmente en Valencia (España) por el Presidente de CEUCO D. Carlos Martín Cosme y el Presidente del Comité Organizador y Vicepresidente de CEUCO para Portugal D. José Manuel Alves, el próximo Congreso de Cofradías Enogastronómicas de las Regiones de Europa, que tendrá lugar en Algarve (Portugal), los días 4,5 y 6 de noviembre de 2011, al que se esperan recibir más de 600 personas expertas de la enogastonomía europea e invitados del resto del mundo.

  Le 19 février 2011 s'a présenté officiellement en Valence (l'Espagne) par le Président de CEUCO D. Carlos Martín Cosme et le Président du Comité Organisateur et Viceprsident du CEUCO pour le Portugal Monsieur D. Jose Manuel Alves, le prochain Congrès de Confréries Enogastrónomiques des Régions de l'Europe, qu'aura lieu à Algarve (Portugal les jours 4, 5 et 6 novembre de 2011, à celui que ils s'attendent recevoir plus de 600 personnes expertes de l'enogastonomíe européens et invités du reste du monde.



CEUCO- VIII European Congress in the city of Bordeaux

(Photo's gallery)  



Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic




European Restaurateur 2010

  • Osteria La Piola – (Ponte Nizza) - Italy
  • Hotel Ristorante da Remo (Vicenza) – Italy
  • Restaurant Biarritz (Budapest) - Hungary

European wine with history 2010

  • Conde de Oeiras - Confraria do Vinho de Carcavelos – Portugal 

Traditional European Artisan Producer 2010

  • Conservas Angelachu, (Santoña) - Spain

Traditional European Industry 2010

  • A. Le Coq – Estonian

European initiative in gastronomic tourism 2010

  • Turismo do Algarve - Portugal

European Brotherhood 2010

  • Confrérie du Stoffé de Wavre - Belgium


Ambassadors of CEUCO 2010

Mr. Luís Alberto da Fonseca Nunes - Portugal

Mr. Luigino Barizza – Italy

Mr. Gioacchino La Franca - Italy

Mr. Julio César Ruiz Cobo – Spain

Mrs. Consuelo Solana Bolado – Spain

Mr. Luís Augusto Pimenta de Castro Machado – Macau - China

Mr. Lourenço António do Rosário - Macau – China


VIII European Congress of Oenogastronomic Brotherhoods and Associations in Bordeaux (France)

  5th 6th 7th November 2010
Wines and gastronomy, a lively history


Wine has defined Bordeaux’s history. As far back as the 3rd century BC, when the Romans introduced wine to the region, the Bordeaux’s wines have enjoyed a favorable reputation. However, in the mid-12th century, its path to worldwide wine fame was set forever when King Henry II of England married Eleanor of Aquitaine and thus gained control of the Bordeaux region. Eleanor's marriage to King Henry also ushered in a struggle between France and England for control of the Aquitaine and the vast English territories in France that would last for three centuries. However, for Bordeaux, the marriage brought only good, as the King tried to gain favor with Bordeaux citizens by allowing them, among other concessions, tax-free trade with England. As a result, Bordeaux wine became the cheapest imported wine in England and, unsurprisingly, very popular with the English.


VII Congress of CEUCO

The VII Congress of CEUCO was one more time a success of Organization and more than 550 participants of nine countries (France, Italy, Spain, Estonia, Hungary, Portugal, Greece and Belgium) and a special invitation to an association of Macao.

The VIII Congress will take place the next year 2010 in Bordeaux (France)

(Photo's gallery)  


AWARDS/PRIX/PREMIOS AURUM 2009 - Fourfth Edition

Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic

Cambados, 7th november



European Restaurateur 2009

  • Restaurante Tromba Rija  - Portugal
  • Hotel Restaurante Olimpo – Spain
  • Hotel Ristorante Villa Braida – Italy

European Winery 2009

  • Domaine Gerovassiliou – Greece
  • Bodegas del Palacio de Fefiñanes - Spain
  • Cantine Aldegheri – Italy

Traditional European Industry 2009

  • Molino Fratelli Brundu  - Sardegna – Italy
  • Familia Núñez de Prado - Spain

Traditional European Artisan Producer 2009

  • Mr. Alain  Lalanne - France

Greatest European initiative in the promotion of  food and agriculture 2009

  • Excelentísima Diputación de Pontevedra - Spain

European Brotherhood 2009

  • Confraria dos Gastronomos do Minho  - Portugal

Aurum of Honor 2009

  • Excmo. Sr. D. Jose Manuel Cores Touris

European Enogastronomic Village 2009

  • Cambados – Galicia - Spain


Ambassadors of CEUCO 2009



Mr. Vicente Gómez Nebot


Mr. Otello Fabbris 


Mr. Manuel Fialho


Mr. Martin Kiilo


Mr. Daniel Haulotte



VII European Congress of Oenogastronomic Brotherhoods and Associations in

 Cambados - Santiago de Compostela

Galicia - Spain

 6th 7th 8th November 2009
Wines and sea products of traditional cooking

Ecological Food. Source of health.





Cambados in the spanish wine Region of Rias Baixas, the world famous grape of Alvariño

Many people has the image of Spain as dry, hot, splash of bullfighting and flamenco. But the landscapes of the Rias Baixas wine region in Spain's northwestern Galicia has another different contrast. Galicia is celtic and its legacy can we see today in the traditional regional instrument, for example, the bagpipe, called "la gaita". Galicia is spiritual and dreamy, with rolling emerald green hills and medieval castles called "Pazos". These Pazos are beautiful, historic manor houses, many converted into small, charming hotels. Galicia has a large coastline with romantic coves and sandy white beaches spotted with quaint fishing villages as Cambados. The galicians have their own language distinct from Spanish, called "gallego" which is a mix of portuguese and spanish.

"Albariño is one of Spain’s great gifts to the wine world. These crisp, floral wines rarely age well, but they’re reasonably priced and go nicely with food" (by Robert Parker)



The VI European Congress of Oenogastronomic Brotherhoods and Associations ended with a successful result with more than 450 participants in the little village of Levico-Terme with eight european countries that brought the most big exhibition of differents products and wines for its promotion and taste.

Now is the time for the next Congress in 2009 that will take place in the village of Cambados near to Santiago de Compostela in the beauty region of Galicia in Spain.

(Photos gallery)


(Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic)

Third Edition



European restaurateur

  • Aranykacsa Étterem - Hungary

European Winery

  • LA VIS s.c.a. – Italy
  • Vini Cris Azienda Agricola Cristoferi - Italy
Traditional European Industry
  • Syndicat de l'AOC Piment d'Espelette  - France
  • Consorzio dei Caseifici Sociali e dei Produttori latte Trentini – Italy

Traditional European artisan Food

  • Roberto Cestaro – Italy
  • Conservas Solano Arriola – Spain

European media

  • Dª Silvia Soria Cases – Spain

Best work in the field of European Gastronomy and wine Brotherhoods

  • Confraria dos Gastrónomos do Algarve - Portugal

European Brotherhood 2008

  • Serenissimo Alvariño - Spain

Aurum of Honor 2008

  • Exmo. Sr. Lorenzo Dellai - Presidente Giunta Provinciale - Provincia Autonoma di Trento


Europe Ambassadors of CEUCO 2008

Third Edition



Mr. Luca Degani


Mrs. Maria Luisa Llavona Corzo


Mr. Jose Carlos Martin Rolo


Mr. Rogelio Samper Almodovar


Mr. Pavlos Alexandrou


Mr. Leho Alliksoo


VI European Congress of Oenogastronomic Brotherhoods and Associations

"The european gastronomic costums and the popular food"

- Wine and water the ancient therapy of health -

Levico Terme (Trentino) - ITALY - 7th - 9th november 2008

Hotel 4 stelle in Levico Terme Terme del Trentino Alto Adige - Grand Hotel Imperial





If the last year took place next the sea. This year the VI Congress will take place next the mountains, in the beautiful village of Levico Terme (Valsugana) at 8 kms. of Trento in its Congress Center of Palalevico.

This year the topic is: "The european gastronomic costums and the popular food" "Wine and water the ancient therapy of health".

This Congress pretends to abord the differents costums and versatile food of the countries through its history and its  evolution. Please, don't leave your inscription until the next day to assure your place.


In collaboration with Trentino, Ministero delle Politiche Agricole, Alimentare e Forestali,

 the Comune of Levico Terme, Valsugana Turismo and  the Confraternita della Torta de Patate



The taste of Corfu

There was a very nice Congress in Corfu. A wonderful island in the ionian sea. More than two hundred products were presented and tasted for all the european gastronomy and wine Associations that took place in the Chandris Hotel. Mrs. Irene Korakianiti, vice-pressident of CEUCO for Greece and president of the Organizing Committee had the difficult paper to coordinate all the events. But at last all was a very good success. (See photo's gallery)

Now it's time for Trento, the next Congress in Italy in november of 2008 and the great family of CEUCO will continue growing up middle in a strong friendship through the gastronomy and the differents customs of each country or region of Europe.

Mr. Mario Tonon, is the next  president of the Organizing Committee in Levico Termes, where the VI Congress of CEUCO will take place on  7th-8th-9th november 2008.


November 2007


V European Congress of Oenogastronomic Brotherhoods and Associations

under the auspices of Corfu Chamber of Commerce


in collaboration with the Centre for the Enterpreneural & Techological Development

and The Prefecture of Corfu


The European most important event of gastronomical Brotherhoods and Associations

Over 350 people will meet in this Conference, the subject of which this year is the

Evolution of Gastronomy – Popular Tradition and Healthy Diet

Corfu – Greece 9th-11th November 2007

Hotel Corfu & Dassia Chandris Complex


On 26th august  2007 took place in Brescia (italy) the official communication of the Aurum Awards 2007 - Second Edition,  to give in the V European Congress.

This year the Theme of the Congress is about the evolution of the gastronomy without forgetting the popular traditions of the people of the differents regions in Europe. Now is time to remember the past, to continue learning and preserving the traditions that as much time cost to make by our ancient people.

Good eating, but over all feel good through a healthy diet, and don't forget our european traditional customs rich in their variety of thousands receipts. Our food, wine and gastronomy are treasures that Brotherhoods keep carefully to show the people who want to learn them.

We wait you in Corfu. An ionian island where Mrs. Irene Korakianiti and the team of the Chamber of Commerce of Corfu have worked to make us three unforgottable days.


AWARDS/PRIX/PREMIOS -  AURUM 2007 (Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic)

Second Edition



European restaurateur

1.       Ristorante Gambrinus - Signor Adriano Zanotto
San Polo di Piave - Italy

2.     Restaurante Barbacoa “La Amistad“ - D. Jesús Merino Calvo - Guijuelo - Spain

European Winery

1.     Azienda Agricola “Cecchetto Giorgio S.A.” - Italy

        Sig. Giorgio Cecchetto

2.    Red Dry Wine – Ktima Doria - Mr. Dimitris Agatos
Marmaro – Corfu - Greece

Traditional European artisan Food

1.    Maria Encarnação Gordinho Teodósio Gonçalves - Portugal

2.    Patisserie Papagiorgis
Corfu - Greece

European media

·         D. Manuel Piedrahita Toro - Spain

Best initiative in the promotion of European wine or food

·         Veinimaailm - Estonia


·        Club Cultural y Gastronómico Hipocrates del COMV - Spain

Best work in the field of European Gastronomy and wine Brotherhoods

·         Signor Francesco Mazzoli - Italy

European Brotherhood 2007

·         Académie des Dames du Floc de Gascogne - France

Aurum of Honor 2007

  • Mr. Hondrogiannis P. George
    President of the Chamber of Commerce of Corfu – Greece


Europe Ambassadors of CEUCO 2007

Second Edition



Mr. Alexandros Vavoulis


Mr. Armando Alvarez Palacio


Mr. Sergio Passera


Mr. Alessandro Trofino


Mr. Victor Ruiz Teja


Mr. Alessandro Salarolo


Mr. Manuel Ruíz López



Congress 2007
Corfu Island - Greece


26th and 27th april 2007 - Official presentation of the V CEUCO European Congress

in the Nautic Club of Valencia (Spain)


26th and 27th april Official presentation of the V CEUCO European Congress  in the Nautic Club of Valencia, site of the America's Cup, by the Vicepresident of CEUCO in Greece Irene Korakianiti into the promotion-events of greeks and valencianish products and gastronomy led by KERASMA and COVIGA and with the collaboration of the  Conselleria de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación of the Generalitat Valenciana

Mrs. Irene Korakianiti was invested, during the Corfu Congress presentatition, as Vicepresident of CEUCO for Greece by the President Mr. Carlos Martín Cosme


Oporto - 11th NOVEMBER 2006 - Alfãndega Congress Centre


Circa 500 persons of seven countries of Europe: Estonian, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal and Great Britain, were in the Palace of Congress of Alfandega to participate in the big european gastronomic event. Our objective is to expand our Council to other european countries with the mission of preserve our gastronomic and wine customs and to made a european wine and gastronomic strada (route) from Açores Islands to Greece.

A good level of communications and three emotive moments: The prices AURUM 2006, the gastronomic and wine taste and the delivery of the sceptre which next country in 2007 will be: Corfu Island (Greece).



CEUCO will give the prizes AURUM 2006 in its first edition in the Congress of Oporto


AWARDS/PRIX/PREMIOS -  AURUM 2006 (Europa – Excellence – Enogastronomic) - First Edition



European restaurateur

1.       Ristorante Enoteca “Al Covolo” Sant ‘Ambrogio di Valpolicella –  Signor Molinaroli Adelino - Italy

2.       Restaurante “O FIALHO” – Évora - Portugal

Industry/Company  Traditional European food products

1.      Azienda Agricola “Tommasi Viticoltori” – Pedemonte di  Valpolicella – Signor Tommasi Sergio – Italy

2.      Azienda Agricola “Ca’  La Bionda” – Marano di Valpolicella – Signor Castellani Pietro – Italy

3.      Dulces Doña Jimena – Alcaudete – Jaén - D. Jerónimo Jiménez Serrano - Spain

Traditional European artisan Food

·         QUEIJARIA DE AMARO BELO – Serra da Estrella - Portugal

European media

·         Programa AGROSFERA – Televisión Española – Doña Lourdes Zuriaga Perruca – Spain


·         Dott. Prof. Francesco Francini Pesenti - Servizio di Nutrizione Clinica Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova - Italy

Person/Institution Greatest initiative in the promotion of European food and agriculture

·       SABOR MEDITERRÁNEO - Consellería de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación de la Comunidad Valenciana – D. Jose Vicente Guillem Ruiz  - Spain

Best literary work in the field of Traditional European Gastronomy

·         Jefe António da Silva - Portugal

European Brotherhood 2006

·         Confrérie du Jambon de Bayonne - France


The European Brotherhoods Council (CEUCO) was created on May 29th, 2005 in the French city of Bayonne, by the Gastronomic Brotherhoods of four countries: Italy, Portugal, Spain and France, as a result of the conclusions of the II Congress of the Gastronomic Brotherhoods of the European Regions, held in Valencia (Spain), on November 6th, 2004.

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